Tadelakt, The Lighterman
Venetian Interiors embarked on an ambitious endeavor at the Lighterman Tower, an impressive three-story waterfront residence in Greenwich Peninsula. Our commission involved the installation of Tadelakt in 185 bathrooms across the property, a project that unfolded over three distinct phases of installation.
The distinctive color scheme, comprised of soft greys, was expertly complemented by the application of both light and dark Tadelakt finishes. To achieve a seamless and luxurious aesthetic, our ten skilled applicators worked diligently throughout the building, adhering to a specific directive for a polished finish. This instruction presented an obstacle, as Tadelakt naturally exhibits a matte effect. However, we overcame this challenge by skillfully polishing the Tadelakt with beeswax.
Completing this project marks a significant achievement for Venetian Interiors, particularly as no other interior design company has undertaken a project of this magnitude. Our dedicated team worked tirelessly within a stringent timeline to deliver this impeccable high-end finish, illustrating our commitment to excellence.